First Devlog!

Hello everyone! We’re very happy with the amount of support our project has received ever since release. Every day, we get closer to 100 downloads and 20 followers! That might sound small in the ocean called internet, but to us, it brings us joy, hope and determination!

In celebration, this tuesday, we bring you some general updates for our game!

First of all, the one major hindrance we found: the clunky choice buttons at the gamestore! It turned out to be an easy fix. Now it should work properly.

You might noticed another thing in this screenshot. Early in development, we removed the AUTO button, thinking it wouldn’t be useful for many players— however, after feedback, we decided to put it in again!

There was also a small visual adjustment that impacts the game on the lung run: Mirian is no longer behind the textbox and only shows up when she speaks. This helps with clarity and shows her full bust.

… She might be a bit too tall now, though.

And speaking of heights, Samuel’s head is no longer cut off by the upper screen. Everyone else’s height are still being adjusted- it isn’t particularly difficult work, just takes a while.

Now, on the topic of new content: remember the “Extras” button that previously only displayed text about the page being under construction? Well, the extras are being added! The writer (me) is currently doing the draft of the second extra. These have a different format from the rest of the game, utilizing Renpy’s NVL mode.

We noticed how popular some NPCs were and decided to also add more of them in these extras, so you can expect at least one story focused on them!

Our plan is to release all extras with the official chapter launch, if no setbacks happen! (Do keep in mind, setbacks usually happen.)

We hope to bring you more updates in the future~ Have a good day!

Get Desire: Girls with no Dreams (DEMO)


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